Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Old Naked.

So, When Todds Physiotherapist told him that he needed to go to the local spa to rehabilitate his hamstring, We both thought to ourselves, great, while Todd uses the pool to work out his injury, i can use the sauna. We thought this would be a perfect break from our often mundane routine.

As Todd and I are getting ready for a day at SpaVital, We could not stop talking about how great it's going to be, to be able to sit in a sauna, and steam room again.
Now, Since Todd is apart of the basketball team, and SpaVital is a sponsor of the team, Todd he gets a free membership to this spa. I however, needed to pay 14 Euros. (Yeah, I thought that was pretty steep too) but we payed the entrance fee, and proceeded to the locker rooms.

As we walked in, Todd and I notice that it is just one large room, full of lockers, No separate rooms for men and women. At first we thought this was strange, but since we We both already had our suits on, we didn't think much of it.

We locked our belongings into the locker, and proceeded to walked out of the locker room through the showers, and into the spa area.

As Todd and I walked out onto patio, I quickly notice something to the left of me rather orange with glowing gray hair and frighteningly droopy and moving at a snails pace. As my eyes frantically focused on the object I instantly become uncomfortable.

This glowing Gray haired wonder was actually a 68 year old women completely naked. That orange glow, well, that was just her over processed tan, the droopiness well that was due to her being hunched over her walker.

Just as eyes were finally registering with my brain what i was looking at, I notice another old object directly in front of me underneath a shower head. This time, the body parts were not as distinguishable as the previous radiant orange fox i had just seen. Let me just say, when "Mother Nature" and "Father Time" work as a team, they can be pretty harsh! This time, a man was showering in all his naked old man glory pointed right at me. At that instant, my brain went into overload and I began to frantically look for the only thing familiar to me... Todd.

As i looked to the right of me, I found Todd, still looking at the old lady that was to the left of me. Now, if you know Todd, you may know that he has terribly eyesight. So, Todd said to me kind of in the form of a question/statement, "Ash, look at the man right there, look a his man boobs." And, at that very moment it hit him, like a ton of bricks... that was NO man. That was an old lady... and she was naked. Todd quickly looked away, but everywhere he looked more nakedness.

Todd grabbed my hand and we instantly turned right back around through the showers and into the locker room. Both speechless, we didn't know what to say to one another, we just started laughing hysterically. So we walked back out to the foyer and asked the employee of the facility if it were okay if we wore our bathing suits. His answer was simply, "NO, but you can wear a towel around yourselves." So we thought okay, we would just give it another shot and suck it up. As long as we were covered up it would be fine, we could handle this, We are mature adults here!!!!!

So, Again, through the locker room and out the shower room doors, to the outside deck... another look around, and we again turned right back around got dressed and got the heck out of there.

So as Todd and I are driving back home we could not believe the situation we were just in. However, The greatest part about it, while driving home Todd turns and says to me, "So wait. How was i supposed to rehab my knee there? Did they really expect me to stretch and run in a pool of water that comes up to my mid thighs, completely butt naked... with my wiener all hanging out...? "

Wow! What a day!

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