Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grown Man Farts

Wyatt 7 weeks old...

Farting like a 60 year old man.


Wyatt Anthony Martin
Born July 23, 2010
8 pounds 1 ounce
20.5 inches long

He is such a joy, i can't even begin to explain it. The first few weeks were such an adjustment. From lack of sleep, to breastfeeding to Todd going through the police academy. It was as if i was in an emotional F5 tornado. Now 8 weeks later things are finally starting to settle down, and We're just now getting the hang of late night feedings, regular diaper changes, and hourly kisses and cuddling. I can't even believe how this little baby can change my whole life.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

9 months comes Quick!

Pretty Soon our little son will be here. I cannot get over how fast time flies. Especially when you are no where near being ready.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Let me be honest.

So, i am officially 6 months pregnant now, and i honestly have to say that i am not the type of women that "love" being pregnant.

Don't get me wrong, what's going on inside my belly is such a miracle and beautiful thing. But what's going on on the outside is a different story. Me in a bathing suit pregnant, not so beautiful. However, i do adore feeling my baby boy moving and kicking me that is so amazing. I love him already and he's not even here.
Geez, i can't imagine how much i am going to love him when he finally gets here.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's a boy!

So, it's been a long while since i wrote here. I've been pretty busy. December 3, 2009 Todd and I found out that we were going to be parents. Talk about a shocker! Todd made me take 6 pregancy test, and with every positive out come, He still was in disbelief. So Todd and I found a doctor in Germany, and he confirmed that i had been six weeks pregnant. So, the first conversation that Todd and I had was weather or not we stay in Germany or go home. We chose to go home.
So currently, I am 21 weeks pregnant, and Todd and I are so anxious, nerveous, excited, and scared all at the same time.